Do iPhones Charge Faster On Low Power Mode?

Do iPhones Charge Faster On Low Power Mode?

Low Power Mode is a feature that helps to extend your iPhone’s battery life by reducing or disabling certain features and background tasks. This can include things like 5G, background app refresh, and automatic downloads. Though, it does reduces the background usage of the iPhone, it does not affect the actual charging speed of your iPhone.

But what about its charging speed? Will it be faster? Let’s discover, Do iPhones Charge Faster On Low Power Mode?

What is ‘Low Power Mode’?

Low Power Mode is a feature available on iPhones that helps conserve battery life by reducing power consumption and optimizing certain system settings. When enabled, it temporarily limits or disables certain features and functions of the iPhone to extend the device’s battery life. It is particularly useful when your iPhone’s battery is running low and you need to make it last longer until you can recharge it.

Do iPhones Charge Faster on Low Power Mode?

No, your iPhone does not charge faster in Low Power Mode. In fact, there is no evidence to suggest that Low Power Mode has any impact on charging speed at all. It is “not more than a myth”, that “Charging an iPhone in Low Power Mode will make it charge faster”.

While Low Power Mode optimizes certain settings to conserve battery life, it does not increase the actual charging speed. Although Low Power Mode in iPhone reduces it battery consumption.

Fast charging on an iPhone requires a compatible power adapter and cable. Enabling Low Power Mode does not enhance the fast charging capability.

Do iPhones Charge Faster on Low Power Mode?
Do iPhones Charge Faster on Low Power Mode? by Fiagotech

The charging speed primarily depends on factors such as the power adapter wattage, charging cable, and battery health. To take advantage of fast charging, it is recommended to use a higher-wattage power adapter and a compatible cable.

Useful Link: 5 Steps How To Disable Incognito Mode on an iPhone? 

How to increase the Charging Speed in iPhone?

Low Power mode doesn’t, but there are a couple of another factor that my influence the battery life of the iPhone. If your iPhone is charging slower, you may try checking these:

1. Power adapter wattage: The wattage of the power adapter used to charge the iPhone is a crucial factor. iPhones usually come with a 5W power adapter, but newer models support fast charging with higher wattage adapters. For example, using an 18W power adapter or higher  can significantly speed up the charging process.

2. Charging cable: The quality and condition of the charging cable can impact charging speed. It’s recommended to use an Apple-certified Lightning to USB cable or a high-quality MFi-certified cable to ensure optimal charging performance.

3. Charging method: The method used to charge the iPhone can affect charging speed. Wired charging using a Lightning cable connected to a power source is generally faster than wireless charging. Wireless charging can be convenient but typically charges at a slower rate.

4. Battery capacity and health: The iPhone’s battery capacity and health play a role in charging speed. As the battery ages or if its health deteriorates, it may charge slower than when it was new. In some cases, a degraded battery may require replacement to restore optimal charging performance.

5. Background activity: If the iPhone is actively being used or running resource-intensive apps in the background while charging, it can affect charging speed. To maximize charging speed, it’s recommended to close unnecessary apps and avoid extensive usage during the charging process.

6. Ambient temperature: Extreme temperatures, whether too hot or too cold, can impact the charging speed. iPhones are designed to operate within specific temperature ranges. Charging speed may decrease if the device becomes too hot during charging.

What are the Changes that Low Power Mode on iPhone Makes?

The Low Power Mode, when enabled, makes several changes to the device’s settings and behavior. Here are the main changes that occur when Low Power Mode is turned on:

1. CPU performance is reduced: The processing power of the iPhone’s CPU is lowered, which can slightly affect the overall performance and speed of the device.

2. Background app refresh is limited: Apps running in the background won’t refresh their content automatically. This reduces data usage and minimizes the battery drain caused by apps constantly updating their content.

3. Mail fetch is less frequent: The iPhone fetches new email messages less frequently, reducing the frequency at which it connects to email servers and saving battery power.

4. Hey Siri functionality is disabled: With Low Power Mode enabled, you can’t activate Siri by saying “Hey Siri.” Instead, you need to manually activate Siri by pressing the Home button or the side button  or using the “Hey Siri” feature when the device is charging.

5. Visual effects and animations are reduced: Some visual effects, such as the parallax motion effect on the Home screen and certain animations, are reduced or disabled to conserve battery power.

6. Auto-Lock time is shortened: The Auto-Lock time, which determines how quickly the iPhone screen turns off when idle, is set to a shorter duration to save power.

What are the benefits of using low-power mode?

1. Extended battery life: 

The primary benefit of Low Power Mode is that it helps conserve battery power, allowing your iPhone to last longer before needing a recharge. By implementing various optimizations, it reduces power consumption and increases the overall battery life.

2. Reduced background activity: 

Low Power Mode limits or disables background app refresh, which means apps won’t update their content in the background as frequently. This helps reduce data usage, prevents unnecessary network activity, and conserves battery power.

3. Decreased CPU performance: 

The processing power of the iPhone’s CPU is lowered in Low Power Mode. While this may slightly impact overall performance, it also reduces the energy consumption of the device, leading to improved battery life.

4. Optimized system settings: 

Low Power Mode adjusts various system settings to minimize power usage. It reduces the frequency of mail fetch, disables certain visual effects and animations, and shortens the Auto-Lock time, all of which contribute to battery savings.

5. Promotes essential functionality: 

Low Power Mode prioritizes essential functions and disables or reduces power consumption for non-essential features. This ensures that critical features like making phone calls, sending messages, and accessing important apps remain available even when the battery is low.

6. Convenient prompts and automatic activation: 

When your iPhone’s battery reaches a certain threshold, the device prompts you to enable Low Power Mode. You can also choose to have Low Power Mode activate automatically when the battery level reaches a preset percentage. These prompts and automation make it easier to conserve battery life without manual intervention.

Will Charging an iPhone in Low Power Mode can damage the battery?

Low Power Mode is designed by Apple to optimize the iPhone’s power consumption and extend battery life. It is safe to use while charging and does not cause any damage to the battery. In fact, if your are playing around with your iPhone -whiles it’s on charge-, it can help conserve battery power during the charging process.

Is Charging an iPhone in Low Power Mode is necessary to prevent overcharging?

Modern iPhones have built-in mechanisms to prevent overcharging. Once the battery reaches its maximum capacity, the charging process automatically stops. Enabling Low Power Mode does not provide any additional protection against overcharging since the iPhone’s charging system already handles this.

Tips to follow while charging an iPhone

  1. Use the Original Charger: Apple’s chargers and cables are designed to optimize the charging process for your iPhone. Using third-party chargers or cables may not provide the same level of performance or may even damage your iPhone.
  2. Avoid Extreme Temperatures: Charging your iPhone in extreme temperatures (below 0° C or above 35° C) can shorten its battery life. If you must charge your iPhone in extreme temperatures, do so for a shorter period of time.
  3. Do not Leave iPhone Plucked Overnight: It’s not necessary to leave your iPhone plugged in overnight to fully charge it. In fact, doing so can actually shorten the battery life. Once your iPhone is fully charged, unplug it.
  4. Keep your iPhone Updated: Apple often releases software updates that include improvements to battery performance. Make sure your iPhone is running the latest software to get the best possible battery life.
  5. Use Low Power Mode while you’re using your iPhone: When your iPhone’s battery is low, you can enable Low Power Mode to extend its battery life. Low Power Mode reduces some of the features and animations on your iPhone, which can save a significant amount of battery power.
  6. Reduce the usage of Unused Apps: Apps that are running in the background can also drain your iPhone’s battery. Make sure to close any apps that you’re not using to conserve battery power.
  7. Brightness: The screen is one of the biggest battery drains on your iPhone. Reducing the screen brightness can significantly improve battery life. 


Low Power Mode is a software feature that helps to conserve battery life by disabling certain features and background apps. hence, your answer for the question (Do iPhones Charge Faster in Low Power Mode), It does not affect the charging speed of your iPhone.

There have been some tests that have shown that Low Power Mode can slightly increase the charging speed of an iPhone, but these results are inconsistent. In general, it is not worth using Low Power Mode to try to charge your iPhone faster.


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